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Independent Living Skills Training

Unlimited Possibilities provides ILS services to strengthen individual(s) abilities to feel confident, independent and provide the tools for individuals to live their lives as independently as possible. ILS staff meet with individuals in their homes, libraries, parks, coffee shops and other locations in the community to provide the tools, support, training and encouragement to assist each individual in accomplishing their individual goals. ILS staff can assist in: household management and organization, time management, interpersonal and communication skills, problem solving, assistance in health and medication management, scheduling appointments, community outings, grocery shopping assistance, and meal planning. Unlimited Possibilities works closely with case managers, guardians, schools, nurses, family members and other team members to provide a customized ILS schedule tailored to the individual’s person-centered goals, wants and needs.


"Our mission is committed to supporting each individual we serve by investing, inspiring, and empowering people to have a voice in finding a lasting solution in their lives."

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